Occasionally you will need to modify a live site for maintenance reasons and sometimes you will not always have the luxuery of being able to flip a switch and put the site into maintenance mode. If you are running Apache, then you can redirect everyone else but you or a select few to a 'maintenance page'
I have been using a Canon PowerShot S50 when doing investigations or just having a good ol' time ghost hunting. The camera itself is a great camera, and even though it's 6 years old, I still think it takes better pictures than most of the newer cameras.
Recently, I decided to buy a digital SLR camera. The main reason for doing this was so I can take picture of the city at night as well as having complete control over the camera's operations.
By default, Red Hat EL has an out dated version of PHP. To get a newer version of PHP on the system issue the following commands:
# wget http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic.sh # sh atomic.sh # yum upgrade php
To make a server that is running Plesk PCI compliant follow these steps:
Add the use flags to /etc/portage/package.use:
# echo "net-misc/ntp caps" >> /etc/portage/package.use # emerge -av net-misc/ntp
Find a time server that's closest to you, you can find a list of servers here. Once you find a server that you want to use, add it to your /etc/ntpd.conf file
To set the time server when the system shuts down, modify the /etc/conf.d/clock file:
PHP's open_basedir limits a script's ability to open files to specified directories. This setting can only be modified within an httpd.conf file or in the php.ini.
When specifying more than one directory to be accessible by php scripts, use a semicolon for Windows, and a colon for all other systems. It's also important to note that directories within the open_basedir are actually prefixes and not a directory name. For example:
In order to get quota's within Plesk working correctly, you will not only need to download the quota package, but you will need to modify the fstab and run quota.
In order to have your users be able to send mail through the Plesk server, port 587 needs to be open. To do this, you must log in as the admin, and go to Server -> Mail and check Enable message submission. If that still does not work:
As of Linux Kernel 2.6.24, you no longer need to patch the kernel to get your Microsoft Ergonomic keyboard to work. With kernel 2.6.30+ and possibly lower, the options that you need to enable to get the keyboard to work has changed. The old settings that needed to be enabled were:
Not many people have this issues, but I've have had this happen to me 4 times already and each time I forget what file I need to restore from. This issue usually happens when I update gnome in Gentoo.
When the applications menu becomes empty all you need to do is:
# cd /etc/xdg/menus # cp cp gnome-applications.menu applications.menu
Then BAM! We're back in business.