Instruction for setting up VPN under Windows Vista
- Click on the Windows button and go up to Connect To
- Click on Set up a connection or network
- Click on Connect to a workplace
- Click on Use my Internet connection (VPN)
- The internet address can be an address such as or The Destination name is a name that you give your connection. I used My VPN Connection you can call it whatever you want. The check boxes can be left uncheck unless you use a smart card.
- Enter your user name and password. If your network administrator has set up a domain, you will enter it. If not this can be left blank as indicated by the word 'optional'
- If DNS is handled by the server you're connecting to then you will need to configure this. Right click on the Network icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Then go up to Connect to a network
- Right click on the connection that you just set up and go down to Properties
- Click on the Networking tab and highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button
- Select the option Use the following DNS server addresses and set your preferred DNS servers according to your network's setup